WasteHero has been hard at work in 2022. With new colleagues, new markets, and exciting new projects, we’re in full gear with our mission of solving disconnected municipal waste management.
Projects & Company News
We’ve made leaps and bounds in securing projects with innovative municipalities, organisations and haulers that want to employ data-driven strategies within their waste collection operations. We’re now working with New Forest District Council, Fredericia Municipality, Terra, Envac, Daka, Refa and have expanded the scale of the project with Herning Municipality.
WasteHero is full steam ahead with its expansion into Sweden, Norway and the UK. We have some exciting news to share in regards to our new markets, so be sure to read the August Newsletter for all the details!
Team Growth
WasteHero is only as good as its people. That’s why we’re extremely happy to have gained these amazing senior talents in the first half of 2022.

Seth Yastrov – Senior Python Developer
WasteHero Appoints Christoffer Mikkelsen as CTO
Congratulations are in order for our newly appointed CTO, Christoffer Mikkelsen. Christoffer started his journey with WasteHero 16 months ago and after just four months, he was promoted to Lead Developer and now, CTO. Christoffer brings energy, professionalism and a whole lot of nerdy goodness to his position as CTO. We couldn’t think of a better person for the job. Congratulations Christoffer!
Out and About in Europe!
The WasteHero team has been lucky enough to participate in some action-packed exhibitions in 2022 so far. We’ve gained a better understanding of markets and started some very interesting dialogues with participants. In March, WasteHero attended Affald 2022 in Odense and letsrecycle.com’s Net Zero Conference in London, and in June attended Avfall Sverige’s Annual meeting in Nyköping, Sweden.
What’s next?
Stay tuned as next month we’ve got some exciting events lined up in Norway and the UK… more to come!
Incredible Product Releases
It would take much more than a paragraph to explain all of our product improvements, so we’ve rounded up our favourite highlights throughout the first half of 2022:
Customer Service System – The digital worktool for back office support staff, empowering full transparency over customer information. Accompanied by a built-in ticketing system to deliver fast citizen service.
Citizen Self-Service App – Enables citizens to request and pay for waste services anytime in under 3 minutes. All activity is automatically transferred through to the Customer Service System.
Automated Workflows – Automated workflows follow a rule-based engine to resolve customer and driver issues instantly, with no human intervention necessary. Still need a human touch for more complicated issues? We’ve included the option to add in approval blocks.
Hardware Marketplace – We’ve partnered up with a range of hardware providers to offer an in-app marketplace. Our customers can now turbocharge their software foundation with a range of hardware add-ons, including smart bin sensors, GPS trackers, RFID tags, CANbus telematics devices & more.
WasteHero has had a fantastic first half of 2022. If you’re a local authority or private hauler and want to know more about the future of data-driven waste management, we encourage you to contact WasteHero to learn more.
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