Smart Litter Bin Sensors: The 5 Profitable Advantages In Waste Management Operations

Smart Litter Bin Sensors: Meet the driving force behind cutting-edge waste collection. These sensors track, measure and monitor container fullness to empower dynamic container collection. Sensors ensure that litter bins are collected based on their fill-level to avoid unnecessary collections and keep city streets clean. Let’s have a closer look at the advantages this technology […]
Thomas Nylund of VafabMiljø Reveals How To Properly Assess Waste Management (& Shares The Potential of IoT On The Industry)

With an impressive background in the waste management industry, both in Sweden and globally, it would be difficult to find a more qualified person than Thomas Nylund to develop a framework to help local authorities self-assess the maturity of their holistic waste management operations. Having worked in waste management for roughly 15 years, […]
The Role of IoT in Tackling Restaurant Food Waste

Restaurant and hotel owners are becoming increasingly concerned with the amount of food wasted each year. Many are taking significant steps towards reducing waste and optimising their systems to deal with the capacity. Technological developments and innovations have the ability to propel the hospitality industry towards a more sustainable future. One area of […]